Our Work

AJ Meerwald

1928 Delaware Bay Oyster Schooner, built in Dorchester, NJ. Clark & Eisele spent 9 months doing a major overhaul on the vessel in Belfast, ME in 2021-22

See more from our project here.


Obie is the captain's launch for the Maine Windjammer Angelique. We were hired to completely rebuild the 90 year old launch, which we used as the mould for a brand new hull, which the owner finished out and painted.

See more here.


1948 Maine sardine carrier, built in Thomaston. During our time on the project we replaced the stem, stern post, horn timber, and many frames.

See more here.

Lois McClure

Replica Lake Champlain canal barge operated by the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. Lois McClure had some bad planking at the waterline from ice damage that needed replacing. 

See more here.

W.O. Decker

1930 New York Harbor tug boat. Originally steam powered, now operating as a passenger vessel for South Street Seaport Museum in Manhattan. We were called in to help recaulk the bottom and replace some planks for routine CG inspection

See more here.

Grace Bailey

Grace Bailey was built in 1882 on Long Island, NY for the coasting trade. Operated today as a windjammer, C&E was hired to help recaulk the deck and build new deck furniture to house a new generator without looking out of place from the historic details of rest of the schooner.

See more here.